GinomeGelatis Pokemonpage

a german pokemonside with lots of pictures and downloadstuff.

Member Since: 2011-03-16 00:00:00

GinomeGelatis Pokemonpage
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GinomeGelatis Pokemonpage Stats

Daily Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 56.8 315.3 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.8
Today 50 192 0 0 1 1
Yesterday 52 314 1 1 1 1
January 21 70 486 0 0 2 2
January 20 62 397 0 0 1 1
January 19 54 273 1 1 0 0
January 18 50 220 2 2 1 1
January 17 53 249 1 1 0 0
January 16 61 410 3 3 1 1
January 15 50 321 2 2 1 1
January 14 66 291 1 1 0 0
Highest 469 1,938 9 23 19 20
Weekly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 487.3 2,989.0 9.5 9.6 6.7 6.7
This Week 234 1,389 1 1 5 5
Last Week 382 2,177 12 12 3 3
Week 02 439 3,208 12 12 6 6
Week 01 403 2,350 7 7 5 5
Week 52 473 2,870 12 12 7 7
Week 51 577 3,477 13 14 12 12
Week 50 572 3,571 5 5 8 8
Week 49 744 4,497 8 8 11 11
Week 48 630 3,705 9 9 8 8
Week 47 419 2,646 16 16 2 2
Highest 1,517 8,160 37 40 40 41
Monthly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 2,006.7 11,828.8 61.4 62.9 39.9 41.0
This Month 1,329 8,430 30 30 18 18
Last Month 2,683 16,123 41 42 41 41
November 24 2,003 12,601 47 47 28 30
October 24 1,860 10,698 53 55 42 46
September 24 2,095 11,960 51 51 54 56
August 24 2,526 14,245 64 65 57 57
July 24 1,969 11,816 54 54 34 35
June 24 1,722 10,420 68 70 40 41
May 24 2,018 11,246 122 128 54 55
April 24 1,862 10,749 84 87 31 31
Highest 6,059 27,701 122 128 104 105
Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Overall 323,346 1,126,738 2,608 2,881 1,983 2,020