Pokémon World TNG

The New Generation of Pokémon Encyclopedia (for italian fans)

Member Since: 2010-12-19 00:00:00

Pokémon World TNG
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Number of Ratings: 14


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Pokémon World TNG Stats

Daily Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 908.8 1,956.3 1.4 1.6 0.8 0.8
Today 482 1,205 0 0 0 0
Yesterday 834 1,830 1 1 1 1
February 13 938 1,864 3 5 2 2
February 12 924 2,099 0 0 1 1
February 11 924 1,801 1 1 0 0
February 10 1,018 2,341 0 0 0 0
February 09 967 2,021 3 3 1 1
February 08 1,115 2,349 5 5 1 1
February 07 1,027 2,097 1 1 1 1
February 06 859 1,956 0 0 1 1
Highest 3,577 7,426 12 39 37 42
Weekly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 7,865.1 16,693.5 10.1 10.5 6.4 6.7
This Week 5,120 11,140 5 7 4 4
Last Week 6,630 14,055 15 15 6 6
Week 05 6,735 15,110 9 9 3 3
Week 04 7,166 16,321 10 11 5 5
Week 03 7,306 16,431 10 10 3 3
Week 02 7,050 16,794 7 7 7 7
Week 01 7,447 18,013 10 10 8 11
Week 52 9,943 20,325 14 14 5 5
Week 51 9,285 17,696 14 15 13 13
Week 50 11,969 21,050 7 7 10 10
Highest 18,803 28,659 41 96 78 164
Monthly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 51,388.8 90,820.8 67.6 69.0 51.1 53.1
This Month 13,720 29,683 23 25 10 10
Last Month 31,927 73,808 40 41 24 26
December 24 48,349 88,732 46 47 39 40
November 24 73,396 112,734 63 63 25 25
October 24 55,570 89,412 54 56 21 21
September 24 54,066 95,926 58 59 30 30
August 24 59,115 109,250 79 80 92 96
July 24 63,858 107,314 84 84 87 89
June 24 64,938 107,011 93 95 79 85
May 24 48,949 94,338 136 140 104 109
Highest 73,396 112,734 136 140 204 380
Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Overall 952,744 2,075,876 2,556 2,831 5,401 6,317